TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Are you ready for the Nectar Flow?

1. Do you have enough Supers? 2. Are you using drawn comb or foundation? 3. How old is your queen? 4. Are your colonies strong enough in forager age bees? 5. Are you going to be AHEAD of your bees, or behind of their actions? 6. Do you really know WHAT causes swarming, and how to reduce the chances? Your success in obtaining a strong honey crop is dependent on how you handled the questions … [Read more...]

How Much Do You Know About Swarming?

Well, we have another cold, wintery month behind us and now we can look forward to some windy days with the month of March here! Give me wind above snow and ice any day...it means we will soon see budding trees and flowers! This month we will address the swarming of bees and what you, as a beekeeper, can do to minimize the chance of it happening. (If you are not yet a beekeeper, but would like to … [Read more...]

Backyard Beekeeping FAQ

This month I compiled a list of frequently asked questions for those just having gotten into beekeeping or are contemplating a backyard beekeeping venture. Hope it will be informational for many of you. When do I order package bees? It is best to order package bees for spring delivery. The bees should be delivered after the date of the last hard freeze for your region. The honey bee suppliers … [Read more...]

Winter Maintenance for the Beekeeper

So here we are, in the middle of winter and you are thinking there is nothing to do with except cozy up around the fire, hoping everything is okay in the hive! Then there are those beekeepers who don't want to think about any bee work in January or even February, and their bees may even be dead and they don't know it. So what should be done in January? INSPECT YOUR BEES! There are going to be a … [Read more...]

A Bee Sting Education

Let's talk about stings 'secretly", just so you can maintain your superior masculinity and nobody will ever know that you hate to get stung! Come on, getting stung makes you more appreciative of your expertise after you learn to work your bees using little or no protective clothing and getting FEW or NO stings! Don't lose faith now - let me teach you how to enjoy your bees, and make you feel 9' … [Read more...]

Feed Your Bees

Starving to death is surely a horrible way to die, and who is not to say that a beekeeper who allows his bees to enter the winter without enough food for them to make it through the winter is not some kind of idiot? In most cases, a colony of bees needs about 70 pounds of honey, 14 capped deep frames, or 21 capped medium frames, to make it from now to April. Do your colonies have that much stores … [Read more...]